The Master in Health, Environment and Society in the Amazon was structured to train researchers and teachers who are theoretically and methodologically competent and critical in knowing and describing the community's social health needs in the field of construction and reflection with theoretical and epistemological and technical support, and collective health. The course aims to: 1) Enable the student (teachers, researchers and professionals working in the health field) to plan, analyze and carry out research in the field of public health, using, in an integrated way, methodological concepts and resources of public health: epidemiology, social sciences applied to health, communication and information in health and other related areas; 2) To train health professors and researchers in the region, for the development of analytical models of processes of production and modulation of diseases in the Amazon, taking as a reference the epidemiological, economic, socio-anthropological, historical, biological and environmental framework in the regional and its subordination interconnections to national and international contexts of globalization of the Amazon; 3) Encourage students to participate in the organization and planning, in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of proposals for health programs, plans and policies, acting not only at the different levels of the Unified Health System, but also with the organizations representing the civil society and science and technology institutions in the region. Such objectives will be operationalized through an area of ​​concentration Public Health articulated with two lines of research (Socio-Anthropology, policy, planning and management in Health in the Amazon; Epidemiology of infectious and chronic non-communicable diseases in the Amazon), of indisputable relevance for the investigation of problems in the Amazonian reality. Additionally, these lines express the experience of the teachers of the course, adding efforts of transdisciplinarity in the perspective of contributing to the empowerment and improvement of the living and health conditions of the regional population, as well as to enhance the scientific production of the teaching staff and students, towards the purposes of the knowledge area (Collective Health) to which the PPG-SAS is linked.